on the journey to becoming

Don’t tap out Max out!

Are you wasting time?

Could you imagine the earth bringing forth rain, a farmer   cultivating his land, and planting seed, but for some reason the ground never produced a harvest? That farmer would be literally wasting his time.  That’s what it looks like when we give time to dead end things and relationships. Most things aren’t bad in and of themselves. Am I saying that video games are evil? Should you feel guilty about going to that sporting event or watching that series on Hulu?  Honestly you would be the only one in your life equipped to answer.

The reason is, it’s all about time maximization! You should know the goals you have set for yourself and more importantly you should know the call that God has on your life.  Every day when we wake up in the morning, we should be aware that the time we were given to live is shorter than the day before and as a result we should seek to use our time in the best way possible on a given day. Imagine being in the desert and the only thing you have is a gallon of cold water. In that situation, the water would literally be a representation of your life. You would understand whenever it ran out, your life would shortly follow. With that awareness, a wise man would make the best use of the water he had each day. You might drink some ever so often, taking sips and gulps, not downing big amounts on purpose in order to conserve.  What you wouldn’t do if you were smart is pour some on the ground around you to make a sandcastle, neither would you use it all to bathe yourself because you didn’t like the way you smelled.  On the contrary, the value of the gallon of water is in its scarcity, in other words when you have an abundance of any resource you and I tend to take it for granted, but when a resource is scarce, we care for it as we should.

Think for a second about how people would live, what choices they would make, if gasoline was in short supply? What would the world look like if food was scarce around the globe? (Unfortunately, in many parts of the earth that’s the reality) How about sunlight?  Or God forbid… toilet tissue… sorry I had to throw that one in there.  You say of course people would drastically change how they live their lives day to day if these things I mentioned weren’t available in abundance, but I ask you, are you sure about that? Out of all the things I referenced, sunlight, gas, and food, time stand alone as the one thing we lose every day that we can never get back. Furthermore, unlike the gallon of water in the desert analogy, with our time on this earth we’re totally clueless to how much we have. Some of us have a gallon of time left if you will, while others have a quart or a half pint. The fact that we know it’s not unlimited should light a fire inside of us to manage it well, and the fact that we’re simply ignorant of the amount we have should do the same

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